
The secret to acne control is to go back to the basics and trace the root of your problem. If you are able to correctly identify the causes behind your skin condition, you'll consequently be able to determine the best methods for effective acne control.


Indeed, too much caffeine may be a reason why red dots are popping out on your face. Now may be the time to limit your consumption of coffee. Limit your visits to trendy coffee shops and find an alternative for you to stay up during late nights if you wish your face to be acne-free.

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Almost everybody knows that stress can greatly affect the way you look. When your body is under stress, it stimulates the production of cortisol - a hormone that can cause acne to break out. Obviously, if you want this ugly process to stop, you need to find a way to relax and de-stress from time to time.


Recent instances:

There are some cases when acne is actually induced by the intake of wheat. It is best to consult your dermatologist if you feel that this is true for your case.


When you have sensitive skin, you need to be extra careful about the medicine and ointments you choose to fight acne. There are some cases where the cure may be a reason for the illness to spread even more.


Studies show that genetics plays a huge role in the appearance of acne in your skin. If so, natural remedies may not work for you. It is best to consult your dermatologist in such cases.


It may be a clich:%$eacute; or myth to you but we assure you, your period can truly cause acne to appear in several instances. Drinking green tea, however, may control the abundance of acne during these times.

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